主頁 > 教育培訓(xùn) > 外語培訓(xùn) > 酒店客房常用英語口語句型培訓(xùn)


  -Good morning,sir.I am an attendant.Would you please show me your room card?


  -All right.Here it is.-好的,給你。

  -Your room number is 624.Let me take you there.-你的房號(hào)是624,我來陪你去。

  -Lea me carry your luggage.-我來幫你提行李。

  -I'm sorry to trouble you.-麻煩你了。

  -Here we are.This is your room.-我們到了。這就是您的房間。

  -Let me introduce our hotel briefily to you.-我簡(jiǎn)單地介紹一下飯店的情況。

  -That's very nice.-那太好了 。

  -The Barber's,the Shop,Post and Cable Service,Billiards and Table Tennis Room are all on the ground floor.The visitors can do their shopping and have amusements there.The dining-hall is on the seventh floor.Both Chinese and Western food are served.And on every floor there is a dining-room.Service hours are:Breakfast,7.00 to 9.00a.m.;Lunch,12.00 to 2.00p.m.;Supper;6.00 to 8.00p.m.The Bar is on thefirst floor,and the cafe on the second floor.They are open round the clock.The China International Travel Service has an office in the Hotel.


  -Get a taxi at the reception desk when you get one.-如果你要出租汽車對(duì)服務(wù)臺(tái)說一下就成了。

  -May I have breakfast in my room?-我可以在房間里用早餐嗎?

  -Of course.We can send three meals to your room if you like.-當(dāng)然可以。如果你愿意可以三餐都在房間里吃。

  -It's very kind of you.Thanks for your information.-你想得真周到,謝謝你的介紹。

  -This is what I should do.-這是我應(yīng)該做的。

  -By the way,I have two trunks on the ground floor.Will you please send them up?


  -Certainly. I have them brought up at once.-當(dāng)然可以。我馬上把它們送上來。

  -All your luggage is here.Seven in all.-你的行李都在這里,共七件。

  -This piece is not mine.-這件不是我的。

  -One piece is missing.-我少了一件行李。

  -Let me check it.-我?guī)湍悴橐徊椤?/p>

  -Why has't my luggage been sent here yet?-為什么我的行李到現(xiàn)在還沒送來?

  -Don't worry.I'll inquire of the China International Travel Service about it?


  -Is this piece of luggage yours?-這件行李是你的嗎?

  -Yes,this one is just mine.-是的,就是這件。

  -Here is the key to the room.Please leave it at the service desk when you go out.


  -If you need anything,just ring us up.-你有事找服務(wù)員可按電鈴



