
作者: 薛尺  2010-11-05 11:21 [查查吧]:www.ytshengsheng.cn

    婚紗:bridal veil

    1. 羅切斯特安慰她說這只是一個惡夢,但清晨簡卻發(fā)現(xiàn)了被撕破的婚紗碎片。
        Rochester assures her it is only a bad dream, but in the morning Jane finds the ripped fragments of the veil.
    2. 正是她襲擊了梅森先生,撕毀了簡的婚紗。
         It was she who had attacked Mason and torn Jane's wedding veil.


    若讓寫“新娘的婚紗”,似乎沒幾個人出錯,寫法很多 —— wedding dress,wedding gown,bridal gown…… 不過,千萬別以此類推,把“婚紗照”說成是“wedding gown photo”,否則,外國人會以為這是“a photo of a wedding gown”(一張沒有新娘的婚紗服圖片)。

    China's NBA star center Yao Ming (L) and sweetheart Ye Li, also a basketball player, shoot pre-wedding photos at Tai Huyuan scenic resort in Lin'an of east China's Zhejiang Province July 30, 2007. Subscribers to a local website forum said the couple shot the photos there and the local residents of the scenic resort later confirmed it.

    就該圖片說明而言,姚明拍照時并未舉行正式婚禮,所以,“婚紗照”在此表示為“pre-wedding photo”比較確切。

    日常生活中,若想單指新娘的“婚紗照”,可用“bridal photo”或“bridal portrait”來表達(dá)。當(dāng)然,很多時候,我們談的“婚紗照”包括新郎和新娘,這時,“婚紗照”可表達(dá)為wedding photo/portrait,或者是pre-wedding photo/portrait。

    值得一提的是,“wedding gown/dress”可是單指新娘的服裝,新郎穿不得。新郎一般穿“tuxedo”。



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