蜜月旅行必備英語寶典 新人英文急救(2)

作者: 尹泓  2011-06-22 16:22 [查查吧]:www.ytshengsheng.cn


       I'd like a room with a view.



       Daily specials     每日特色菜

       Drinks purchased are for taken away only.     飲料僅供外賣。

       Eat in or take away.     店內(nèi)吃或外賣。

       Please ask to taste.    歡迎品嘗。


       “參考匯率”常用“reference rate”來表達,不過,報道中的benchmark在特定語境下也可表達相同的含義,指央行制定的“基準(zhǔn)匯率”。

       “Central parity rate”(匯率中間價)每天由中國人民銀行(央行)對外公布,是該日人民幣與其他貨幣交易的“benchmark”(基準(zhǔn)價),“reference rate”(參考匯率)指的就是央行公布的這個比價。

       Where can I change money?    我在哪里可以兌換外幣?

       Can you change this into Dollars?    請將這些外幣兌換成美元?

       What is the exchange rate?   兌換率是多少?

       Do you accept traveler’s checks?   你這里接受旅行支票嗎?

       I’d like some small change?    請將大鈔換成零錢。


       First of all, make sure that you have packed your passports if you are leaving the country. You won't get anywhere without these. Do not forget to bring cash.  首先,如果你們要出國旅游的話,千萬不要忘記帶護照,沒帶這東西你就哪兒都不用去了。當(dāng)然也別忘了帶現(xiàn)金。

       The honeymoon clothing depends on where you will be going, and what the weather will be like. It's best to take a few items of everything, just in case. Always remember socks, shoes, underwear and sleepwear.   蜜月旅行得帶什么衣服呢?那就要看你們要去哪里了。最好什么都帶點兒,以防萬一嘛。千萬別忘了襪子、鞋子、內(nèi)衣還有睡衣褲。

       Toiletries should come next.   洗漱用品不能少。

       Any medicine that you might need such as Tylenol or Aleve should be packed.    旅行必備的基本藥品,像是泰利諾和萘普生。

       Camera. Your most important accessory is your camera. These are memories you’ll want to cherish.   蜜月旅游必備品——相機。照片里拍下的美好時光將是你一生都難以忘懷的美好回憶。



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