電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞盤點(diǎn) 老電影中的求婚對(duì)白(2)

作者: 雷幻  2016-04-11 14:06 [查查吧]:www.ytshengsheng.cn







  電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞之阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump

  Will you marry me? I'd make a good husband, Jenny. I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.


  電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞之心火 Firelight

  If you would consider a life in America, I would be proud to take you there, as my wife.


  Any lady would be fortunate to be courted by you.


  電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞之亂世佳人 Gone With The Wind

  That I can't go on any longer without you. I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me... the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks.我沒有你就活不下去了。在十二橡園第一次見到你的時(shí)候……我就知道我要的就是你。

  Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees? But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling, a feeling more beautiful, more pure,more sacred. Dare I name it? Can it be love?


  This is an honorable proposal of marriage made at what I consider a most opportune moment. I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.


  What kind of a ring would you like, my darling? You shall have the biggest and the most vulgarring in Atlanta. I'll take you to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon my ill-gotten gainscan buy. And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too.


  電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞之音樂之聲 Sound Of Music

  Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else. I love you.


  電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞之畢業(yè)生 The Graduate

  Benjamin, I haven't even said I'll marry you yet.


  - I just don't think it would work. - Why wouldn't it?


  電影經(jīng)典求婚臺(tái)詞之四個(gè)婚禮一個(gè)葬禮 4 Weddings and 1 Funeral

  There l was, standing there in the church and for the first time in my whole life l realized l totally and utterly loved one person. And it wasn't the person standing next to me in the veil, it's ...the person standing opposite me now in the rain. The truth of it is… I’ve loved you from the first second l met you.


  上面盤點(diǎn)的電影經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞大全, 希望大家喜歡!



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