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作者: zengkedi  2015-07-31 09:23  [查查吧] 來源:ytshengsheng.cn


  1.who are you texting? 你在給誰發(fā)短信?

  No one! Just my friend Avery. 沒誰!只是一個叫Avery的朋友

  Avery... Eh? Avery? Avery……呃?

  Avery? Is that a girl's nameabcor a boy's name? 這是一個男名還是女名?

  Does it matter? 有什么關(guān)系嗎?

  No! No, it doesn't matter, 不!不 沒關(guān)系

  unless it's a boy! 除非 是個男孩!

  I know what makes you a boy. 我知道是什么使你成為男孩的

  Uhh, you do? 呃……你……懂?

  Your bald head. 你的禿頭

  Ohh. Yes. 哦 是啊

  It's really smooth. 它好光滑

  Sometimes I stare at it, 有時候我看著它

  and imagine a littleabcchick popping out. 然后想象一只小雞蹦出來

  Peep-peep-peep! 嗶嗶嗶

  Goodnight, Agnes. 晚安

  Agnes Never get older. 永遠(yuǎn)不要長大

  Hey, yo! 嗨 喲!

  Hey, Tim, nice haircut! 嘿Tim 發(fā)型不錯!

  Tommy, hang in there, baby! Tommy 加油 寶貝!

  2.We are the Anti-Villain League. 我們是除惡聯(lián)盟

  An ultra secret organization dedicatedabcto fighting crime on a global scale. 旨在全球范圍內(nèi)對抗犯罪的絕密組織

  Rob a bank, we're not interested.abcKill someone, not our deal. 搶銀行?我們不感興趣 殺人?關(guān)我們屁事

  But you were to melt the polarabcice caps, or vaporize Mount Fuji, 但是 如果你想融化極地冰蓋 或者蒸發(fā)富士山

  or even, 甚至 Steal the moon... 盜竊月亮…… Then, we notice. 那就會引起我們注意了

  3.And that's where you come in. As an ex-villain,abcyou know how a villain thinks, and acts. 于是就輪到你商場了 作為一個前惡人 你了解惡人的思維以及行為

  4.I know someone whoabccan fix that for you. 我知道有人能改變你 And you'll be talkingabcnormal in no time! 你再也不會顯得平庸!

  5.all too well. It is theabclook of a broken heart. 你裝過頭了 其實(shí)內(nèi)在是一顆破碎的心
