主頁(yè) > 教育培訓(xùn) > 職業(yè)培訓(xùn) > 英語(yǔ)面試問(wèn)題及回答 英語(yǔ)面試如何準(zhǔn)備(4)

英語(yǔ)面試問(wèn)題及回答 英語(yǔ)面試如何準(zhǔn)備(4)

  回答示范5: I quit the job to study English. In my last job I should use English to communicate with foreigners but frankly speaking, my English wasn’t good enough. I knew I could perform better if my English was better. Finally, after two years of struggling with English, I decided to quit the job and recharge myself. I went to New Oriental School to study English.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)5: 確實(shí)有很多人辭職學(xué)英語(yǔ)。如果你要使用這個(gè)萬(wàn)無(wú)一失的答案, 請(qǐng)務(wù)必確定一點(diǎn): 你的英語(yǔ)一定已經(jīng)相當(dāng)合格了!否則無(wú)疑是自暴其短。

  12. Describe the employee you most enjoy working with. 你最喜歡和什么樣的同事一起合作?

  問(wèn)題分析: 在這個(gè)問(wèn)題上, 面試官希望了解的是: 第一, 這份工作是否會(huì)令你開(kāi)心; 第二, 你所欣賞的人往往就是你的影子(心理學(xué)家如是說(shuō)), 比如說(shuō), 如果你說(shuō)自己欣賞爽直的人, 往往你就是這樣一個(gè)人!

  回答示范1: I enjoy working with straightforward people, partly because I am a straightforward person myself. I hope my colleagues will offer their honest suggestions and even criticisms to me. Frankly speaking, I am not very comfortable with those people who are too sensitive and always hesitate to express themselves.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)1: 突出了自己的直爽的性格, 很好。

  回答示范2: I enjoy working with positive-minded people who don’t complain too much. I find it uncomfortable to work with those who always complain. In my opinion, we either need to make improvements or accept the facts. Complaining is a total waste of time.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)2: 這是一個(gè)令人喜歡的回答, 因?yàn)槿魏我粋€(gè)公司里都有大量的“怨男怨女”, 令人反感卻無(wú)可奈何。如果能多招聘幾個(gè)“陽(yáng)光男女”進(jìn)公司, 豈不美哉。

  回答示范3: I enjoy working with those who are action makers. I don’t like to work with big talkers or those who are very slow to react. I am a quick person myself, so I prefer to work with the people of the same kind.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)3: 大家都喜歡風(fēng)風(fēng)火火的人, 只要不忙中出錯(cuò)就好。

  回答示范4: Well, I like to work with those who are good at planning because they can always make a strong team with me. I am a detail person, and I need to work with big picture planners to achieve the best results.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)4: 善于利用別人的長(zhǎng)處彌補(bǔ)自己的不足, 不錯(cuò)。

  13. What is an ideal boss like? 你最喜歡的老板是什么樣子的?

  問(wèn)題分析: 和上個(gè)問(wèn)題一樣, 面試官希望了解的是: 第一, 這份工作是否會(huì)讓你滿意?第二, 你一定會(huì)效仿你的老板, 如果你說(shuō)自己喜歡的老板是能吃苦耐勞的, 那么你往往是一個(gè)吃苦耐勞的人; 如果你說(shuō)喜歡自己的老板是高屋建瓴的, 那么你往往也是一個(gè)頗為注重宏觀規(guī)劃的人。要格外注意的是, 如果面試你的人恰恰就是你未來(lái)的老板, 那么這個(gè)問(wèn)題可要小心了, 如果你所做的描述和他的個(gè)性風(fēng)馬牛不相及, 可能令面試功虧一簣。

  普通回答: I like democratic bosses. They can give me enough room to develop on my own, rather than giving instructions to me for every small detail.

  點(diǎn)評(píng): 這個(gè)回答比較危險(xiǎn), 明顯地表現(xiàn)出該申請(qǐng)人追求“自由化”的性格特點(diǎn), 會(huì)令很多面試官覺(jué)得心里一沉。所以說(shuō), 在回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題的時(shí)候, 要走“保守主義”路線, 盡量不要給人一種“初生牛犢不怕虎”的感覺(jué), 而要表現(xiàn)出謙虛謹(jǐn)慎、 積極、 誠(chéng)懇等特點(diǎn)。再者說(shuō), 這個(gè)回答明顯在給老板提要求, 當(dāng)你對(duì)比下面這個(gè)回答示范的時(shí)候, 你就會(huì)明白一個(gè)道理: 給老板提要求, 遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不如請(qǐng)老板給自己提要求令人喜歡。

  回答示范1: Ideal boss? Well, I prefer strict bosses. Although working with strict bosses means a lot of pressure, I can grow fast with them. For new graduates, nothing is more important than developing our abilities as fast as we can.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)1: 主動(dòng)請(qǐng)老板為自己加壓, 多么可愛(ài)可敬的人, 善哉!工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)有所欠缺的申請(qǐng)人, 不妨向面試官表表這樣的態(tài)度。

  回答示范2: Ideal boss? Let me see. Well, in my opinion, an ideal boss can effectively motivate his or her subordinates by encouraging good performance and punishing poor performance. I will feel highly motivated to do a good job if I know my boss would reward me for excellent performance.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)2: 好!一個(gè)希望老板能“獎(jiǎng)懲分明”員工, 往往是很自信能夠做出優(yōu)良表現(xiàn)的員工。

  14. What were the best aspects of your last job? 在上一份工作中, 你最喜歡的是什么地方?

  問(wèn)題分析: 在這個(gè)問(wèn)題上, 面試官要捕捉的信息點(diǎn)是: 第一, 這個(gè)申請(qǐng)人是個(gè)什么樣的人?如果你是一個(gè)小秘書(shū)卻喜歡有挑戰(zhàn), 那么你很可能還停留在好高騖遠(yuǎn)的不成熟階段; 如果你喜歡原來(lái)的老板給你很大的自由發(fā)展空間, 那么你很可能是個(gè)“自由派”, 不太喜歡約束, 等等; 第二, 你所申請(qǐng)的工作到底是否會(huì)讓你滿意?如果這一份工作內(nèi)容和你最喜歡的工作內(nèi)容大相徑庭, 比如說(shuō), 你喜歡有挑戰(zhàn)而偏偏這份工作很細(xì)節(jié), 那么面試官可能會(huì)因?yàn)?ldquo;自慚形穢”而拒絕你的申請(qǐng)。所以, 你所強(qiáng)調(diào)的最喜歡的地方一定要在新工作中Yesterday once more才行。

  回答示范1: The best aspect of my last job? Let me see. Well, I think it was the trust of my boss. He gave me lots of room to develop myself, you know, letting me shoulder responsibilities. And I didn’t let him down. I did a good job.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)1: 一個(gè)令前任老板信任的員工, 更有可能贏得未來(lái)老板的信任。

  回答示范2: The best aspect of my job, well, is that I can learn a lot from others. As you can imagine Carrefour has a team of high-quality staff. When working with these people I can learn a lot, you know, their attitude to see things, the way they work.

  點(diǎn)評(píng)2: 樂(lè)于向別人學(xué)習(xí)的人, 我們喜歡!

  回答示范3: The best aspect of my job? I think it’s the team I work with. As a sales assistant I work with the sales reps on a daily basis. It’s so interesting to work with them, as you can imagine the sales reps are all active and humorous guys. I can learn so much from them. After working with them for a year and a half, I feel I have “inherited” their good traits. I’m tougher, more positive and a lot better at pleasing others, hehe.



