EOE英文演講會-21st meeting

作者:  胡佬   2012-01-11 10:37 [ 查查吧 ]:www.ytshengsheng.cn

EOE英文演講會-21st meeting

開始時間: 2012年1月11日 周三起 每周三 19:30-21:30
結(jié)束時間: 2012年1月11日
地點: 深圳 南山區(qū) ★風巢空間:康佳集團西側(cè),光華街與汕頭街路口(汕頭街往里30米,門口有喜洋洋灰太狼人偶)

If you want:
1. Improve communication skills, and motivate multicultural interactions
2. Improve public speaking skills,
3. Improve their leadership skills
1. 提高溝通能力,促使跨文化溝通;
2. 提供公眾演講能力
4. 提高領導力

Mission: By conducting club education programs, Toastmasters International helps men and women improve their public speaking skills, master the art of thinking and listening skills——key skills to foster self-improvement, strengthen leadership potential, deepen human understanding, and finally they can make significant contribution to the whole world.

1. 成為中國最好的標桿演講會之一
2. 融入更多文化、藝術、創(chuàng)意元素,塑造更全面的演講者
3. 努力為會員提供更多演講機會,如:電臺、電視臺等
【Eloquence Of the Elites Toastmasters Club】
Besides all that Toastmasters International provides, EOE wants to
1. Become one of the best TM clubs in China
2. Foster more universal speakers by integrating various elements like art, culture, innovations
3. Strive to provide more speaking opportunities to members outside of TM like: Broadcasting station, TV station, and many other English environments.




  • 婚慶
  • 裝修
  • 培訓
  • 學車
  • 旅游


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  • 外科
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