
作者:  沈況   2016-03-01 10:46 [ 查查吧 ]:www.ytshengsheng.cn


  this romeo is bleeding羅密歐在流血

  but you can't see his blood不過你看不到

  it's nothing but some feelings只是一些感覺

  that this old dog kicked up被這只老狗喚起

  it's been raining since you left me你離去后雨一直下不停

  now i'm drowning in the flood我被雨水淹沒

  you see i've always been a fighter你明白我向來是個斗士

  but without you i give up但失去你 我只能投降

  now i can't sing a love song  like the way it's meant to be現(xiàn)在我不能再像從前 把情歌唱得那么動聽

  well, i guess i'm not that good anymore我想我已不如以往

  but baby, that's just me但這就是我

  and i will love you, baby – always我會愛著你,直到永遠

  and i'll be there forever and a day – always我會守著你 直到海枯石爛

  i'll be there till the stars don't shine我會守著你 直到星辰消逝

  till the heavens burst and直到天堂毀滅

  the words don't rhyme直到言語悄然

  and i know when i die, you'll be on my mind至死你都會縈繞在我腦海

  and i'll love you - always我會爰著你 直到永遠

  now your pictures that you left behind那些你留下的照片

  are just memories of a different life對你來說只是過往回憶

  some that made us laugh, some that made us cry其中我們有歡笑 有淚水

  one that made you have to say goodbye也有你的道別

  what i'd give to run my fingers through your hair如何才能再次撥弄你的長發(fā)

  to touch your lips, to hold you near抱著你 輕觸你的唇

  when you say your prayers try to understand聆聽你的祈禱

  i've made mistakes, i'm just a man我承認(rèn)我犯了錯 但我只是個凡人

  when he holds you close, when he pulls you near當(dāng)他把你擁入懷中

  when he says the words you've been needing to hear當(dāng)他對你甜言蜜語

  i'll wish i was him 'cause those words are mine我希望是我在你身旁細(xì)語

  to say to you till the end of time對你訴說 直到世界末日

  yeah, i will love you baby – always我會愛著你,直到永遠

  and i'll be there forever and a day – always我會守著你 直到??菔癄€

  if you told me to cry for you  i could  我愿為你放聲哭泣

  if you told me to die for you  i would  我愿為你犧牲生命

  take a look at my face看著我的臉

  there's no price i won't pay請相信我愿犧牲一切

  to say these words to you只為對你訴說這些話語

  well, there ain't no luck in these loaded dice手中的骰子已用盡運氣

  but baby if you give me just one more try但若你能再給我一次機會

  we can pack up our old dreams  and our old lives我們可以重拾過往的夢想與生活

  we'll find a place where the sun still shines找個陽光燦爛的地方重新開始

  and i will love you, baby – always我會愛著你,直到永遠

  and i'll be there forever and a day – always我會守著你 直到??菔癄€

  i'll be there till the stars don't shine我會守著你 直到星辰消逝

  till the heavens burst and直到天堂毀滅

  the words don't rhyme直到言語悄然

  and i know when i die, you'll be on my mind至死你都會縈繞在我腦海

  and i'll love you – always我會愛著你,直到永遠




  • 婚慶
  • 裝修
  • 培訓(xùn)
  • 學(xué)車
  • 旅游


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