主頁(yè) > 教育培訓(xùn) > 外語(yǔ)培訓(xùn) > 介詞的用法口訣大全(2)


  陽(yáng)光、燈、影、衣、冒 in,


  例:Don't read in dim light. 切勿在暗淡的燈光下看書。

  They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light. 他們?cè)诿髁恋臒艄庀聫?fù)習(xí)功課。

  They are sitting in the shade of a tree. 他們坐在樹陰下乘涼。

  a prisoner in irons 帶著鐐銬的囚犯

  He went in the rain to meet me at the station. 他冒雨到車站去接我。

  The poor dressed (clothed) in rags in old society. 舊社會(huì)窮人們衣衫襤褸.

  以及:in the bright sunlight 在明亮的陽(yáng)光下

  a merchant in disguise 喬裝的商人

  the woman in white (black, red, yellow) 穿著白(黑、紅、黃)色衣服的婦女

  in uniform 穿著制服

  in mourning 穿著喪服

  in brown shoes 穿著棕色鞋

  in his shirt sleeves 穿著襯衫


  例: They will come back in 10 days. 他們將10天以后回來(lái)。

  I'll come round in a day or two. 我一兩天就回來(lái)。

  We'll be back in no time. 我們一會(huì)兒就回來(lái)。

  Come and see me in two days' time. 兩天后來(lái)看我。(從現(xiàn)在開始)

  after... (從過去開始)


  例:Li and I arrived at Heishan county safe and sound, all is well. Don't worry. 李和我平安地到達(dá)黑山縣,一切很好,勿念。

  I live in a great city (big city), my sister lives at a small town while my parents live at a village. 我住在大城市,我姐姐住在一個(gè)小城鎮(zhèn),而我的父母則住在農(nóng)村。

  I'm in Liaoning, at Anshan. 我住在遼寧省鞍山市.

  有形with無(wú)形by,語(yǔ)言 、單位、材料in

  例:The workers are paving a road with stone. 工人們正用石子鋪路。(有形)

  The teacher is correcting the paper with a new pen. 這位教師正用一支新筆批改論文。(有形)

  "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" is a good opera. <<智取威虎山>>是-出好戲。(無(wú)形)

  The product is separated by distilation into gasoline and gas oil. 這種產(chǎn)品是用蒸餾分離出氣油和粗柴油。 (表示方式、手段、方法--無(wú)形)

  I really can't express my idea in English freely in-deed. 我確實(shí)不能用英語(yǔ)流利地表達(dá)我的思想。 (表示某種語(yǔ)言用in)

  I wrote a novel in Russian. 我用俄語(yǔ)寫了一本小說。(同上)

  The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system. 公里是米制中最長(zhǎng)的長(zhǎng)度單位。 (表示度、量、衡單位的用in )

  The length is measured in meter, kilometre, and centimetre. 長(zhǎng)度是以米、公里、厘米為單位來(lái)計(jì)算的。(同上)

  This board was cast in bronze not in gold. 這個(gè)牌匾是銅鑄的,不是金鑄的。



