主頁 > 教育培訓 > 外語培訓 > 介詞的用法口訣大全(3)




  例: The Democratic Party was then in power. 那時民主黨執(zhí)政。

  They found the patient in a coma. 他們發(fā)現病人處于昏迷狀態(tài)。

  He has not been in good health for some years. 他幾年來身體一直不好。

  Many who came in despair went away in hope. 許多人帶著絕望情緒而來,卻滿懷希望而去。

  The house was in ruins. 這房屋成了廢墟。

  The poor girl was in tears. 這個貧苦女孩淚流滿面。

  Her clothes were in rags. 她的衣跟穿破了。

  His shoes were in holes. 他的鞋穿出窟窿了。

  I only said it in fun. 我說這話只是開玩笑的。

  She spoke in grief rather than in anger. 與其說她講得很氣憤,不如說她講得很傷心。


  in jest 詼諧地,in joke 開玩笑地,in spite 惡意地, in fairness 公正地,in revenge 報復, in mercy 寬大,in sorrow 傷心地等。

  His mind was in great confusion. 他腦子里很亂。

  Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb. 今天大家都興高采烈,沒有一個情緒低落的。

  She and her classmates are in flower ages. 她和她的同學都正值妙齡。

  The compaign was in full swing. 運動正值高潮中。


  例:we accepted the item in principle. 我們在原則上接受了這個條款。

  They are never backward in giving their views. 他們從來不怕發(fā)表自己的意見。

  The backward area has achieved self-sufficient in grain. 這個落后的地區(qū)在糧食方面已能自給。

  A good teacher must be an example in study. 一個好的教師必須是學習的模范。


  例:All the speeches were taken down in shorthand. 所有報告都用速記記錄下來了。

  The Party has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. 黨一貫以愛國主義和國際主義精神教育我們。


  例如: in all 總計

  in advance 事前

  in the meantime 與此同時

  in place 適當地

  in hopes of(或in the hope of) 懷著.......希望

  in connection with 和……有關

  in contact with 和……聯(lián)系

  in addition to 除......以外

  in case of 倘若,萬一

  in conflict with 和......沖突

  in force 有效的,大批

  in depth 徹底地

  in regard to 關于

  in the neighborhood of 大約、鄰近

  in retrospect 回顧,一想起

  in behalf of 代表......利益

  in the least 一點,絲毫

  in alarm 驚慌、擔心

  in the opinion of 據……見解

  in the long run 從長遠說來

  in one's opinion 在……看來

  in word 口頭上

  in a word 總之

  in vain 無益地, 白白地

  in case 如果,萬一,以防

  in detail 詳細地

  in haste 急急忙忙地

  in conclusion 總之

  in spite of 盡管

  in other words... 換句話說

  in return 作為回報

  in the name of 以......名義

  be confident in 對......有信心

  be interested in 對......感興趣

  in doubt 懷疑

  in love 戀愛中

  in debt 負債

  in fun (jest、joke) 玩笑地

  in hesitation 猶豫不決

  in wonder 在驚奇中

  in public (secret) 公開他(秘密地)

  in a good humour 心情(情緒)好



