主頁 > 教育培訓(xùn) > 外語培訓(xùn) > 高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)指南(12)

高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)指南(12)

  take charge of負(fù)責(zé)、管理 in charge of 負(fù)責(zé);

  in the charge of 被/由… 負(fù)責(zé);free of charge 免費(fèi)

  26.chatv./n. 聊天;閑談 chat—chatted—chatted—chatting

  have a chat with sb. 與某人聊天;chat room 聊天室

  27.check v./ n.檢查;核對;批改; 支票 by check 用支票支付

  辨析: check examine

  check 指核對某事物是否正確, examine 表檢查、調(diào)查、審查等

  check the answers check the mailbox 核實(shí)郵箱(看有沒有信)

  examine your body/eyes examine the machine

  28.cheer n./vi. 歡呼;喝彩A great cheer went up from the crowd.

  cheer sb on 為某人加油 cheer up 振作起來;高興起來 Cheers ! 共同舉杯

  29.cheerful adj 興高采烈的,高興地 a cheerful smile

  30.cheque= check(美) 支票 in cash 付現(xiàn)金 by check/cheque 用支票支付

  31.chicken c/n.小雞 u/n.雞肉 Would you like some chicken?來點(diǎn)雞肉怎么樣?

  Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.


  32.chiefadj.主要的;首要的 n.首領(lǐng);領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人 chiefs (復(fù)數(shù))

  33.choice c/n.選擇;choose v.選擇 choose—chose—chosen

  make a choice /make choices 做選擇 have no choice but to do除了…別無選擇

  We chose Bill as chairman.There are a lot of books to choose from.

  34.Christmas Merry Christmas!on Christmas Eve;

  at Christmas 圣誕節(jié)期間on Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)這天

  35.churchgo to church; attend church 去教堂做禮拜

  36.cinema 電影院 go to the cinema

  37.circle n.圓圈 vi 環(huán)繞,盤旋 The plane circled over the airport before landing.

  38.circulate v.循環(huán),流傳,傳閱

  circulate sth (to sb.)The document will be circulated to all members.

  39.clarify v.澄清,闡明,使…..純凈 clarify a situation/ problem/ issue

  clarification n. seek clarification of

  40.classafter class; have classes; the first class 頭等; the working class 工人階級

  41.classify把……分類為 classify…into…

  classify sb./ sth as … Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.

  42.clean v.打掃;弄干凈 clean up;clean the table /the room adj.清潔的

  43.clear adj.清晰的 clear water; clear glass; a clear explanation; make oneself clear

  v 清除,放晴 clear away 霧煙等消散;clear up (天氣)放晴;clearly adv.

  44.close vt.關(guān)閉 adj.近的;親密的 adv.近地

  closely adv.密切地;仔細(xì)地 watch closely 密切注視;仔細(xì)觀察

  a close friend;be/stand/get close to;

  close the door/eyes;with his eyes closed/open close down 關(guān)閉、倒閉

  45.cloth u/c 布料,抹布; a piece of cloth; a table cloth;

  clothing u/n (總稱) 衣服a piece of clothing;an article of clothing clothes(pl.) 衣服;

  46.coast 海岸 on/along the coast 在岸上/沿岸off the coast 離海岸不遠(yuǎn)的地方

  47.coffeea cup of coffee; a coffee/two coffees

  48.coin c/n Every coin has two sides.事物皆有兩面性

  49.coincidence n.共同發(fā)生,巧合

  by coincidence what a coincidence a strange/ remarkable coincidence

  50.collect vt.收集;搜集 collect stamps/stamp collecting 集郵

  51.collection收藏品 a stamp collectionhave a large collection of books

  52.combine使聯(lián)合,使結(jié)合 combine A with/ and B

  53.comecame-came-comecome up with 提出;想出

  come across 偶遇; come about 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)生;come on 加油;快點(diǎn);得啦

  come true 實(shí)現(xiàn);come up 走近;被提出;想起;發(fā)芽come out 出來;出版

  54.comfort v.安慰 u/n 舒適live in comfort 生活安逸; a comfort 令人安慰的人或事

  comfortable adj. live a comfortable life comfortably adv. live comfortably



