主頁 > 教育培訓 > 外語培訓 > 高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復(fù)習指南(4)

高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復(fù)習指南(4)

  36.adopt v.收養(yǎng),采用,采納

  adopt a child the adopted son/ daughter

  adopt a new policy/ a suggestion/ a plan/ an attitude

  37.advance vi推進,促進;前進 adj.advanced 先進的/ 高級的

  in advance 預(yù)先,事先 an advanced worker

  38.advantage n.優(yōu)點,好處(可數(shù)名詞) 反:disadvantage

  take advantage of 利用 have an advantage over 優(yōu)于… to sb’s advantage 對(某人)有利

  39.advertise vt.為…做廣告

  1)為…做廣告 advertise a product / things

  2)登廣告征求/尋找… advertise for a new sales manager

  40.advice n/u. advise vt.忠告,勸告,建議take/follow/ accept one’s advice 接受某人的建議

  ask sb for advice 向某人尋求建議 a piece of advice 一條建議

  give sb some advice on sth

  advise sb (not) to do; advise doing; advise that …(should)+do

  Our teacher advised that we should study hard.

  41.affect vt.影響, 深深打動,使悲傷等

  Smoking affects health. People were deeply affected by the death of Jin Zhengri.

  42.afford vt.負擔得起,抽得出(時間); 提供

  can/could/be able to afford sth/to do sthI can’t afford a book/to buy the book

  43.afraid a.害怕的;擔心

  be afraid to do 因為害怕不敢做…; be afraid of doing 害怕…

  She was afraid to go out alone at night.She was afraid of waking him up.

  44.againstprep 對著,反對, 靠著,迎著,襯著

  stand against the wall (靠墻站著) go against nature; be against sth 反對

  They are strongly against the plan.The pine tree were black against the morning sky.

  45.age n.年齡;時代 vi.變老 for ages 多年; at an early age; at the age of … ;

  of the same age=of an age After his wife’s death he aged quickly.

  46.agree vi.同意;應(yīng)允

  1)agree with① agree with sb / what you say/your opinion.

 ?、诒硎疽恢?“ (食物、天氣、工作等)對…適宜”:

  The weather does not agree with me.這種天氣對我不適宜。

  A verb must agree with its subject in person and number.

  What he does does not agree with what he says.他言行不一致。

  2)agree to the plan/ the arrangement/ the suggestion.

  3)agree on /upon主要指雙/多方通過協(xié)商而取得一致意見或達成協(xié)議:

  We agreed on the price.我們就價格達成了一致意見。

  Both sides agreed on these terms.雙方都同意這些條件。

  4) agree to do sth He agreed to go with us.他同意同我們?nèi)ァ?/p>

  5) reach/arrive at/come to an agreement 6) I can’t/couldn’t agree more.

  47.ahead ad.在前,向前 ahead of time 提前 go ahead 前進,干吧,說吧

  48.aid n. 援助;救護;輔助工具

  first aid 急救 in aid of 支持

  by ( the) aid of 借助于,通過…的幫助come/ go to one’s aid 幫助某人

  v.幫助,促進aid (sb/ sth) in/ with ( doing) sth 幫助某人做…

  49.aim at

 ?、?瞄準,對準 He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.



