主頁 > 教育培訓 > 外語培訓 > 高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復習指南(5)

高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復習指南(5)

 ?、?(向某方面)努力 She's aiming at ( trying to win) a scholarship.

 ?、?針對某人 My words were not aimed at you.

  50.alike adj.相像,十分相似 We are alike in many ways.

  adv.相似的,相同的 They tried to treat their children alike.

  51.alive a.活著的,存在的 catch …alive 活捉 keep…alivebe alive with= be full of

  The lake was alive with fish. Who is the greatest man alive.(后置定語)

  52.allow v 準許,允許 allow doing/ sb to do

  allow for 把 考慮進去Has everything been allowed for in your plan?

  53.almost adv幾乎,差不多

  Almost no one/nobody came to the party.There was almost no snow that winter.

  54.alone adj/adv 單獨的 孤獨的

  1) 形容詞She is alone at home.(她獨自一人在家。)

  2) 副詞I like to work alone.(我喜歡獨自一人工作。)

  3) “只有,僅僅”, The shoes alone cost $200.※ let /leave sb /sth alone 別打擾

  let alone 更不用說

  ★ lonely

  1) 定語, “孤單的,無伴侶的,無人煙的,荒涼的,偏僻的” a lonely man / island.

  2) 表語,“孤寂的,寂寞的” feel lonely ※ He lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely.

  55.aloud ad.大聲地 read aloud/ think aloud

  56.amaze vt.使驚奇,驚嘆;震驚

  What amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us.

  It amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time.

  amazed adj.驚奇的,驚訝的 amazing adj.令人驚奇的,驚嘆的;震驚的

  I’ m ___ that you have never heard of the Rolling Stones.

  It’s ____ how often you see drivers using mobile phones.

  57.amount n.數(shù)額(尤指數(shù)量,大小等) a large amount of +u/n

  large amounts of +u/n v.(數(shù)量,意義等) 等同,相當于 amount to

  1) (數(shù)量上)達到,總計

  Time lost through illness amounts to 1,357 working days.因疾病而損失的時間總共為


  Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing. 歸根結底,他們想的都是一回事。

  58.amuse vt.使快樂,逗樂amuse sb.使…高興 The funny drawings amused the kids.

  be amused by/at/ with 被…逗樂 amuse oneself 自娛自樂

  The boys amused themselves by drawing. amusement n.to one’s amusement

  59.amusement n.1) 娛樂,樂趣 to one’s amusement 讓某人發(fā)笑

  They were dancing and singing in the car, much to the amusement of passers-by.


  2) 娛樂活動,消遣活動 amusementsamuse vt. amuse sb/ oneself 使開心,逗笑

  amused / amusing adj. an amused smile / look/ expression 愉快的微笑/ 神情/ 表情

  an amusing story/ film 有趣的,好笑的,逗人發(fā)笑的故事/ 電影

  60.angry adj 生氣的,憤怒的 (angrily /angrier )

  be angry at (about) 因為…而生氣 be angry with sb 生某人的氣

  61.announce vt.宣布,宣告,公布

  announce a decision / plan/ intention announce sth to sbannounce that

  At the end of the meeting , it was announced that an agreement had been reached.

  make an announcement

  62.announcement n.通告,通知

  63.annoy vt.(使)煩惱 be annoyed with sb.for (at) sth.

  What annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.

  annoyed adj.略感煩惱(生氣)的annoying adj.討厭的,令人煩惱的

  It’s _____that we didn’t know about this before.令人惱火的事,我們事先并不知道這一切

  Mr Davies was ____that the books were missing.戴維斯先生生氣了,因為那些書不見了。

  64.answer n. the answer to the question v. answer a question/the door/the phone;

  answer for 對… 負責 You will have to answer for your wrong doing one day.

  65.anxiety n.憂慮,焦急,擔心

  anxious adj.焦慮的,不安的;擔心的 be anxious about sth for sb

  渴望的,急切的 be anxious to do sth

  67.apologize n.道歉,歉意 apology n.



