30歲前必讀的30本書 經(jīng)典好書推薦排行榜

作者: cpagd  2013-02-22 17:58 [查查吧]:www.ytshengsheng.cn

    好書推薦排行榜 :在這里列出的30本書富含理解世界的大智慧,均是精妙絕倫之作。雖然人們花在線閱讀的時(shí)間越來越多,然而網(wǎng)絡(luò)并不能取代那些已出版(或即將出版)的經(jīng)典權(quán)威書籍并使其中的深刻認(rèn)知代代相承。經(jīng)典好書推薦排行版,大家都應(yīng)該在30歲之前讀一讀這些書。

  1.Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse – A powerful story about the importance of life experiences as they relate to approaching an understanding of reality and attaining enlightenment.

  《悉達(dá)多》(Hermann Hesse)——這是一個(gè)非常震撼的故事。它思考了人生經(jīng)驗(yàn)的重要性,特別是那些能讓人提出對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)的新的理解并從中得到教化的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

  2.1984 by George Orwell – 1984 still holds chief significance nearly 60 years after it was written in 1949. It is widely acclaimed for its haunting vision of an all-knowing government which uses pervasive, 24/7 surveillance tactics to manipulate all citizens of the populace.

  《1984》(George Orwell)——這本書完成于1949年。在此后的近60年里,該書仍非常有意義。書中對(duì)無所不知的政府形象的描寫給人印象深刻并被廣泛贊譽(yù),它用無處不在的全天候監(jiān)控手段操縱民眾。

  3.To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee – The story surveys the controversial issues of race and economic class in the 1930’s Deep South via a court case of a black man charged with the rape and abuse of a young white girl. It’s a moving tale that delivers a profound message about fighting for justice and against prejudice.

  《殺死一只知更鳥》(Harper Lee)——本書通過一名黑人控告年輕白人女孩對(duì)其強(qiáng)奸虐待的案件,探討了在1930年關(guān)于美國(guó)南部腹地的種族和經(jīng)濟(jì)階層的頗有爭(zhēng)議的問題。故事很感人,而且它提出了對(duì)爭(zhēng)取正義、反對(duì)偏見的深遠(yuǎn)的思考。

  4.A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess – A nightmarish vision of insane youth culture that depicts heart wrenching insight into the life of a disturbed adolescent. This novel will blow you away… leaving you breathless, livid, thrilled, and concerned.

  《發(fā)條橙》(Anthony Burgess)——通過一個(gè)問題少年的心理轉(zhuǎn)變折射出青年文化的瘋狂和可怕。這部小說令人折服,它會(huì)讓你屏息凝神、憤怒、激動(dòng)和擔(dān)心。

  5.For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway – A short, powerful contemplation on death, ideology and the incredible brutality of war.

  《喪鐘為誰而鳴》(Ernest Hemingway)——這是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)短而令人震撼的對(duì)死亡、意識(shí)和戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中驚人的暴行的沉思。

  6.War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy – This mast-erpiece is so enormous even Tolstoy said it couldn’t be described as a standard novel. The storyline takes place in Russian society during the Napoleonic Era, following the characters of Andrei, Pierre and Natasha… and the tragic and unanticipated way in which their lives interconnect.

  《戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)與和平》(Leo Tolstoy)——甚至托爾斯泰自己也說不能將這部氣勢(shì)磅礴的作品當(dāng)作普通小說來介紹。故事發(fā)生在拿破侖時(shí)代的俄羅斯,主人翁是安德烈、皮埃爾和娜塔莎,命運(yùn)將他們意外而不幸地聯(lián)系在了一起。

  7.The Rights of Man by Tom Paine – Written during the era of the French Revolution, this book was one of the first to introduce the concept of human rights from the standpoint of democracy.

  《人權(quán)論》(Tom Paine)——本書寫于法國(guó)大革命時(shí)期。它是第一本從民主立場(chǎng)提出人權(quán)概念的書。

  8.The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau – A famous quote from the book states that “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” This accurately summarizes the book’s prime position on the importance of individual human rights within society.

  《社會(huì)契約論》(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)——書中的一句名言是:“人生而自由,卻處處身陷枷鎖”。此句準(zhǔn)確地概括了作者在書中表達(dá)的對(duì)個(gè)人人權(quán)重要性的態(tài)度。




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